Sunday, June 10, 2007

All done

Rowan was born at 2:41 am pst. the delivery went well. Rowan is great. I haven't really slept in 30 hours. Will post more later.

It is GO time! :)

Little Rowan has an opening 10cm wide and he is about to make the final plunge. Pics soon!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Almost GO time

Cherokee just had her cervix checked, 8-9 cm dilated! His head is high and has a little ways to move down before the main event.


I am guessing they don't want me posting this information. It does contain internal IP address information and the hospital blocked my access to the blog site I am using now. If they really didn't want me doing this they would have purchased an application firewall until then I will keep on posting :)

Nurse change

Cherokee is still sleeping, they recently changed nurses. It's awesome we have our own nurse assigned to us.

Getting upto speed

Cherokee and I checked into the hospital at 9:00 am this morning. She was submitted into triage and was 1.5 centimeters dilated. She was given oxytosin at 11 am and has slowly been progressing since. At 6:30 pm we had a epidural inserted because the contractions were causing serious pain.

Cherokee's water (Rowan's apartment) was pierced at about 8:00 and a internal contraction monitor is now in place to get a better understanding of contraction pressure and delivery progress.
Cherokee went to sleep about 20 minutes ago and is trying to get some rest.